Tuesday, April 22, 2008


I am so depressed today! We had a meeting of our clinical group, and though it seemed to go well, I left there depressed as ever about this place. You see, I work for a micro manager. He is a micro manager's micro manager. Every detail, down the the purchase of a jump drive is agonized. I am going to graduate school so I can learn how to run and create companies like this. The meeting today made me realize, more than ever, that I will not be able to work here when I have my masters. If I am going to be put in charge to run a division or project in a company, I want to RUN the division. Give me the goal, budget, and guidelines and then let me execute my procedures to meet said goals. That is the way all technology companies should be run. I don't see that happening here. My boss should be out playing golf or running or painting pottery, but instead he is here making sure that I didn't spell something wrong or that the chair I requested for the laboratory couldn't be purchased somewhere else for $10 less. All of this stress, along with trying to stay ahead of the game at school and wanting to hang with my family has me really down. I think I need to ride when I get home today if that is at all possible. It would do my soul good to go out on the 29er and get it dirty for the first time.

Sorry for the depressing post, next time I will write about something more uplifting, like say.....our current administration.....or......the uplifting nature of songs by The Cure.


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