Wednesday, October 22, 2008


Work has me down lately. Every time I get an idea and get moving with it I get hammered down by the boss. I even had to tell him yesterday that Medicare is a federally mandated state run agency. He tells me that I am wrong and he doesn't even know how the business works. I am tired of this, and I am afraid I will not last here until next May when I graduate. I am spending my free time after 10 pm looking for new employment. This all couldn't happen at a worse time as no one is hiring. I have about 15 applications out but no word back yet.

School is going OK. I can't wait to get done with this sucks and then just one more with 2.5 classes, a thesis, and then a big party! I can't wait to have some bubbly and kick back....and worry about paying back the loans.

I need to find a way to burn off the stress better. I went to play hoops by myself yesterday for about 45 minutes and then practiced my tennis serves for 15 minutes. Andy better watch out next Friday on our last night of tennis after a long day of class.


1 comment:

andyH. said...

calling me out? i may have to hide a tennis ball in your bed and set the hound loose in the middle of the night!

i am not afraid of your rocket serve.