Sunday, December 20, 2009


I've hit some plateaus, one induced, one I can't escape.

The first plateau, a self induced holding pattern at around 260 pounds. I lost 45 pounds as fast as I could this summer with a lot of biking, basketball, working outside, not eating everything in sight, and playing a lot with the kids. I got here in about three months. I've lost this 45 before, several times. There were always schemes involved, with some sort of false reward system in place. This time things would be different. I need to learn how to stay at a healthy weight (what I am now) before I start to lose some more (I could still lose 20 or 25 pounds). I've been here now for three months. Since the ground became white, my only exercise is friday basketball for around 75 minutes. This self induced plateau has been a good thing. I will never gain that weight back again. Ever.

The second plateau is at work. I work for a company with a hub and spoke management style. The hub makes all of the decisions, and the spokes are the rest of us. We have over 40 employees and they are ALL supervised by the President of the company. There is no vertical possibilities for anyone. The new year will start a new effort to find employment where plateauing isn't possible.


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