Tuesday, July 7, 2009

Dog days of work...

I have the hardest time concentrating at work lately, too many projects, not enough time, tour de france distractions, bike sitting in office, nice days, and stale career have made it difficult. The riding continues as I have five days out of the last six for at least an hour a day. Today I got home for a quick hour and was doing steep climbs on the redline that I wasn't able to do last week. I guess that's progress in one area of my life.



Monday, July 6, 2009

It continues...

My pledge to ride my bike everyday is already broken, but I needed a break as my bike/person interface is sore. I set myself up for success by getting my road bike to work to ride off stress up to three days per week at work. I enjoy riding at work when I don't have to spend 15 minutes putting on layers of clothes. This morning I was at 283 pounds and I hope to get down below 280 by Friday when I see the surgeon that did my ablation. The only chance for going off the wagon this time is because of my persistent arrhythmia that has come back after the ablation. Hopefully this is just a chance happening and everything is still healing.



Saturday, July 4, 2009

It starts....part II

Last week I was over 300 at around #305. This moring I was at 284.6. I will ride every day this month and hopefully be down to around 270 by the end of July.

Happy Birthday America!

